Friday, January 9, 2015

Introducing Our Editors: Annette Steinacker

Annette Steinacker, PhD is the Director of the Urban Affairs and Public Policy Program at Loyola University Chicago.  Her research primarily focuses on issues of urban economic development and metropolitan governance.  She has done work on changes in the number and types of jobs available in central cities, factors that influence the location decisions of businesses, and the role of property tax abatements as part of a local economic development strategy.   Dr. Steinacker has also studied the impact that local government organization has on public policy outcomes and the political feasibility of changing these structures.  Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, several private foundations, and local government agencies.

Dr. Steinacker received her PhD in political science from the University of Rochester, a Masters of Public Administration from Texas A & M University, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  She previous taught at Columbia University, Texas A & M University, Georgetown University, University of Miami, and Claremont Graduate University.  She was Director of the Public Policy program at Claremont for ten years prior to joining Loyola University Chicago and served as Associate Provost for Faculty Development at Claremont Graduate University.

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