This blog provides news about research published in the Urban Affairs Review (UAR). For more than 50 years, scholars have turned to UAR for the latest
research on the politics, governance, and public policies of urban and regional
settings. The UAR
Blog summarizes recently published articles, links
to podcasts about recently published articles, publishes book notes, and provides
article compilations from the first 50 years of UAR.
UAR Blog Editors
Jered B. Carr, Co-Editor and Managing Editor, Urban Affairs Review
Professor and Department Head, Department of Public
University of Illinois at Chicago
Aleea Perry, Assistant Managing Editor, Urban Affairs Review
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Public Administration
University of Illinois at Chicago
About UAR
UAR is an outlet for theoretically and empirically grounded research on the
politics, governance, and public policies of urban and regional settings
throughout the world. We welcome research employing any
methodological approach and comparative analyses are of particular interest.
Research focused on specific settings, events, or policies must have some
general theoretical significance.
UAR welcomes papers on any topics relevant to the urban themes of politics,
governance, and public policy. Common topics in recent years include: urban policy; urban
economic development; residential and community development; governance and
service delivery; comparative/international urban research; and social,
spatial, and cultural dynamics.
UAR’s four co-editors-in-chief
are (listed alphabetically):
Peter Burns, Department of Political Science, Loyola
University New Orleans, USA,
Jered B. Carr, Department of Public Administration,
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA,
Annette Steinacker, Department of Political Science, Loyola
University Chicago, USA,
Antonio Tavares, Department of International Relations and
Public Administration, University of Minho, Portugal,
Contact UAR
Learn more about Urban
Affairs Review, including submission information, here:
Urban Affairs Review
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Public Administration
412 South Peoria Street, 132 CUPPA Hall
Chicago, Illinois, 60607