Friday, February 20, 2015

From our January 2015 issue: Whose Politics? Reflections on Clarence Stone’s Regime Politics

  1. Michael Jones-Correa1
  2. Diane Wong1
  1. 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
  1. Michael Jones-Correa, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Email:


Stone’s retrospective article holds to the view of his earlier work that a city’s fundamental capacity to confront existential challenges is made possible only by the engagement of elite actors with the resources for sustained politics. In this article, we set out to illustrate ways in which actors marginal to regime politics—neighborhood organizations, nonprofits, labor movements, and immigrant groups—can offer examples of sustained politics that provide alternate agendas for city politics by looking at three different policy arenas in three different cities: housing in New York, labor rights in Los Angeles, and education in Detroit.

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