This is an author-produced blog posts introduce upcoming Urban Affairs Review articles. The Online First abstract can be found here.
Across the Divides of Race/Ethnicity: How Does Segregation Matter? - An
Authors: Joseph
Gibbons and Tse-Chuan Yang
Gibbons Tse-Chuan Yang
Connection and the problem of diversity?
recent wave of urban conflicts, like that seen in Baltimore, makes clear the
need for continued discussion on urban racial disadvantage. To this end, the connections one has with
their neighbors and a neighborhood itself, community connection, is a key venue
with which to focus. Research has shown
that poor community connection leads to variety of social ills, such as higher
crime and poorer health. There exists an
active discussion in city research as the effects racial/ethnic composition of one's
neighborhood have onto their community connection. A long enduring belief is
that racially diverse communities lack strong community connection due to
inability of different community members to establish common ground. As Robert Putnam once put it, people in these
communities 'hunker down', avoiding close connections with those nearby. However, there are raising doubts as to
whether this dour assessment captures the full scope of how race impacts
community connection.
segregation the real culprit?
this paper, we essentially turned the diversity argument on its head, looking
at racial segregation, the separation of populations between neighborhoods
based on race, instead of the racial diversity which takes place within
neighborhoods. We put forward that the contentious,
parochial character of segregation essentially inhibits residents from forming
connections. This is an important issue
to pursue as the existing research is divided as to the impact of racial
segregation on ones social connection.
While there is strong evidence to suggest that segregated communities
lack connections due to the social disadvantage found within, others argue that
residents in segregated communities may actually have stronger connection due
to the racial homogeneity found within, as put forward by Putnam. In addition, a major gap in the existing
discussion is how one's individual race relates to the racial composition of
their neighborhood. If one is black, do
they have stronger community connection in a mostly black neighborhood than
they would elsewhere?
strategy and data used
better understand this dynamic, we investigated how one's community connection
- a composite of one's level of trust for neighbors, likelihood of working
collaboratively with others, and sense of belongingness to a community - is
impacted by neighborhood segregation, as well as socio-economic status. In particular, we examined how individual
race played a role in community connection in relation to the racial
composition of their neighborhood. To determine this, we used data on individuals
from the 2008 and 2010 Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey,
administered by the Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC), as well as American
Community Survey data collected between 2006 to 2010 for information on neighborhoods.
The PHMC surveyed a total of 19,950 people across the Philadelphia metropolitan
area between 2008 and 2010. This area
includes the city of Philadelphia, as well as the surrounding counties
considered to be its' suburbs. The Philadelphia metropolitan area was a useful
site to explore as it is very similar to other north eastern cities, like
nearby Baltimore, due to its long history of high residential segregation.
results: is poor community connection more a matter of socio-economic status?
findings revealed much as to how people experience race at both a personal
level as well as where they live.
Starting with the impact of one's race individually, we found that the minorities surveyed tended to have pooper
community connection compared to white respondents, even when accounting for
relevant background socio-economic characteristics like income, marital status,
and education. This shows that race is
playing an important role in social connections in ways not seen by other life
factors. The characteristics of one’s
residential neighborhood impact community connection in subtle and sophisticated
ways. For one, neighborhood-level
socio-economic characteristics appear to explain away much of the
individual-level racial differences on community connection. In other words, while looking just at
individuals suggests that one's race is affecting their community connection, we
find that the differences in connection that people experience has much more to
do with how disadvantaged their neighbors are.
What's more, it would appear that that the racial composition of a
neighborhood itself plays little role in affecting community connection when
accounting for socio-economic status. In
other words, poverty of neighborhoods would appear to matter more than individual
race. However, this is not to say that segregation plays no role in
neighborhood connection, as a closer look at the data suggests.
results: the underlying influence of segregation on poor community connection
directly at the relation of individual to neighborhood racial composition
demonstrates the underlying importance of segregation. We found for example that a person who is
black will likely have stronger community connection if they reside in a mostly
black or nonwhite neighborhood than they would when living in a white
community. This would seem to support
Putman's view that racial difference in neighborhoods leads people to 'hunker
down'. However, the story does not stop
there. We also found evidence to suggest
that nonwhite communities have weaker community connection overall than white
this difference between black and white communities suggests is that segregation
indeed plays an important role in community connection, albeit in subtle
ways. In many ways, the nonwhite
residents of the Philadelphia metropolitan area, especially those who are
black, find themselves in a lose-lose situation. Not only does segregation concentrate them
into communities which tend to have lower community connection, it also
inhibits their ability to connect with others when they do live elsewhere. This
would explain the significance that individual race had in stratifying
community connection, as nonwhites are getting sequestered to inferior
neighborhoods due to segregation. In this way, diversity is not to blame for
poor community connection. Instead it is
the divisive effect of segregation which splinters residents.
for what is to be done, the most sweeping, yet presently unattainable, solution
would be a reduction of segregation.
However, while we have witness moderate reductions in segregation in
recent decades, it remains obstinately stuck in place. This is made abundantly clear by both this
research and the turmoil seen in places like Baltimore. However, our research does point to other more
intermediate solutions. We found that
membership in community organizations improves community connection. This in on itself is not a new
observation. Scholars like Putnam have
long argued for the importance of community organizations to form social
ties. However, we also find that the benefits
of organizations on community connection transcend neighborhood segregation. Organizations themselves will likely not
provide an end all solution to the disparities in community connection. But, it offers a promising start to bring
residents together on the road to progress.
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