“Us Up Here and Them Down There”: How Design, Management, and Neighborhood Facilities Shape Social Distance in a Mixed-Tenure Housing Development
Anouk Tersteeg
Homepage: http://www.uu.nl/staff/AKTersteeg
Fenne Pinkster
Homepage: http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/p/i/f.m.pinkster/f.m.pinkster
Despite the fact that social
mix is an essential component of urban policies in Western Europe, it remains
unclear at what spatial scale housing diversification programs may be most
effective. When people with different backgrounds, household compositions, and
lifestyles live in close proximity to one another, the emergence of close
social ties is not always guaranteed. On the one hand, living in socially mixed environments may
create bridges between residents of different social positions. On the other
hand, it can lead to processes of social distancing and reproduce negative
stereotypes. This article explores how
these diverging experiences of social closeness or distance may relate to
place-specific factors that mediate everyday encounters and interactions such
as housing design, management practices and the nature of local facilities and
What does the study examine?
The study examines to what
degree residents in a fine-grained mixed-tenure housing development in
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, experience social closeness and distance to one
another. The research complements existing studies on social mix projects at
higher spatial scales and brings together Bourdieu’s (1989) perspective on
social boundary drawing with a design and institutional perspective. Tenure-mix
has long been a key strategy in Dutch urban planning to create socially diverse
neighborhoods, not only in area-based interventions in deprived neighborhoods
but also in the construction of new neighborhoods. A qualitative case study was
undertaken in the newly developed, middle class neighborhood of IJburg in
Amsterdam, which was planned and designed to be a “neighborhood without borders”.
Here, tenure-mix has been realized at very low spatial scales: in the apartment
complex of this study, 40% of the units are owner occupied and the remainder is
social rental, including a small share of apartments for assisted living. All
apartments share an entrance and central courtyard and the different tenures
are not visible from the outside. Moreover, because the social rental sector in
the city of Amsterdam is considerable and also accessible to middle class
households, it does not carry a strong stigma (Musterd 2014). The apartment
complex is managed by a consortium of the housing association and the private
What did we find?
Interviews with residents and
neighborhoud proffesionals show that—regardless of policy intentions—the
reality of living in IJburg is far removed from an idealized “neighborhood without borders” . Recurrent
negative encounters between residents have contibuted to considerable social
divides in the apartment complex, despite the uniform housing design and the
fact that there are relatively small differences between residents in terms of
educational training, occupational status and income. Boundaries are not simply
drawn based on fixed categories of renter versus owners. Rather, tenure coincides
with differences in ethnicity, household size, and location within the
apartment complex, to create three distinctive groups: those who live
“upstairs” (owners, native Dutch, small families, some with young children),
“downstairs” (social renters, non-Western migrants, large families with
somewhat older children), and “in the tower” (social renters, varied ethnic
background, different household compositions, some with young children). There
is considerable tension and negative steroryping between the upstairs and the
downstairs neighbors in particular.
How do design, management and neighbourhood facilities shape
these outcomes?
Several place-specific
features were found to intensify these negative experiences. First, the design
did little to safeguard residents’ need for privacy in a context of close
proximity to people with very different ways of living (Stokoe
2006; Van Eijk 2011). In line with previous studies (Chaskin and Joseph 2010; Roberts 2007),
differences in the use of private and shared spaces in the building were
magnified by the distribution of apartments for different tenures – owners
upstairs and renters downstairs and in the tower - and different household
types – large families downstairs, small families upstairs and in the tower. A
compact building design and the location of the shared entrance and courtyard
created a sound box that made it difficult for residents to ignore each other.
Second, rather than reducing
the resulting social tensions between the different resident groups, the
management structure and everyday management practices were found to enhance them
(August 2014; Chaskin, Sichling, and Joseph
2013). Most notably, an asymmetry in the decision-making power between
owner-occupiers and social renters enabled the former to modify the rules and
regulations of the building and the physical design of the shared spaces in a
way that does not reflect the interests of the latter. Owners have, for
instance, been able to introduce child-unfriendly plants and wooden logs in the
shared yard to prevent ‘downstairs’ children from playing there and making
noise. As a result, symbolic power differences between the upstairs owners and
the downstairs renters have become inscribed in the physical layout of the apartment
complex (Bourdieu 1989; Davidson 2010). Not surprisingly,
social renters, particularly those in the ground floor apartments, feel marginalized
within their own building.
Finally, this feeling is
enhanced by the fact that also in the wider middle class neighborhood, social
renters feel that their everyday needs have not been accommodated. Local
facilities and amenities are perceived to largely reflect the interests and
lifestyles of the owners. This has contributed to mostly segregated routines at
the scale of the neighborhood, which are seen by all respondents as symbolic
for the divisions within the apartment complex.
How to create neighborhoods without borders?
The study shows that creating
a “neighborhood without borders” entails much more than mixing tenures within a
coherent design. In the case of IJburg, other place-specific factors, at the
scale of the apartment complex itself and at the scale of the neighborhood,
could have been planned in a more inclusive way. Consequently, what could have
been a “best practice” case seems to actually have become a worst case
scenario: living with difference has resulted in substantial social tensions
and even overt conflict in which social renters feel stigmatized and out of
place in their own homes. In fact, in a recent meeting about IJburg with urban
and housing professionals and active residents, it was cynically agreed upon
that the original intention to design “exciting inner court yards in
fine-grained mix projects has led to altogether too much excitement of the
wrong kind.” Housing corporations have, therefore, apparently decided to avoid
further fine-grained mix projects in new extensions of the neighborhood.
The question can be raised,
however, whether this is ultimately the lesson that should be taken from the
experiences in IJburg. This study suggests that the “blame” for the problems
does not lie in design alone. Fine-grained mix also requires inclusive and
proactive management and an inclusive facility structure at the scale of the
neighborhood. The study, therefore, demonstrates the need for more integrated
approaches in the planning for and management of mixed-tenure projects, which
acknowledge the wider socioinstitutional residential context and facilitate
more opportunities for positive encounters between different tenure groups.
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