Meagan Ehlenz
Early Friday morning, January 18, 2013, adults
began forming a line outside the Penn Alexander School (PAS) in Philadelphia’s University City
neighborhood. By nightfall, more than seventy people had literally set up camp
with tents and sleeping bags extending down the block to guard against the
twenty-nine degree (F) chill. While this scene may be familiar to concertgoers
or video gamers the night before a big release, the inhabitants of this
encampment were different. They were all parents of 4 year olds with a single
goal: to enroll their children in kindergarten when class registration opened
on January 22nd, four days later.
PAS opened its doors in 2001, few anticipated the
implications of its first-come, first-serve enrollment policy. The Penn-sponsored public school had been
conceived in 1998 at a time when West Philadelphia was plagued by crime, families were fleeing
the neighborhood, and the public school system was in disarray. In response and
conjunction with neighborhood associations, the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) had fostered a relationship with the
Philadelphia School District to establish a neighborhood
elementary school. The university donated the land for the K-8 facility and invested
substantial resources into its construction and operations. These investments
were a key component of Penn’s broader neighborhood revitalization
strategy, the West Philadelphia Initiatives (WPI), which aimed to stabilize neighborhood
conditions, improve property values, and attract and retain residents.
the outset, Penn and the School District were committed to PAS, yet they could not envision a day when
their classrooms would be at capacity and parents would be clamoring to claim
slots for their children. To the contrary, they were holding their breath and
hoping this seedling of revitalization would take hold. More than fifteen years
after the implementation of the WPI, the neighborhood has changed
dramatically. Crime rates have fallen, beautification and commercial
development projects have rejuvenated neighborhood amenities, Penn’s homeownership programs have set the
stage for several hundred families to invest in the neighborhood, and the PAS has developed a reputation as a stellar
school. Collectively, Penn’s investment in the neighborhood contributed to the
January 18th scene with families prepared to brave the winter weather for four
days in order to gain access to PAS. The school had reached its enrollment
capacity; the neighborhood’s housing sales prices now had a $100,000 premium to
live within the PAS catchment zone.
Penn’s WPI was a huge success—but was it? That is what
this study attempts to discover. Penn is an anchor institution—a non-profit
institution with deep physical, economic, and social ties to its neighborhood,
as well as its city and region. It is representative of more than half of the
universities in the US (or about 2,000 institutions), which are located within
urban neighborhoods and have substantial physical assets, including real estate
holdings and institutional infrastructure. Penn also exemplifies a growing
trend for university anchors—the commitment of institutional resources
(including financial and human capital) to improve not just the campus, but also
the surrounding neighborhoods.
their “rootedness” in neighborhoods, universities have long been interested in
(and impacted by) the health of their neighborhoods. Neighborhood
decline—higher crime rates, rising poverty levels, housing disinvestment and
abandonment, and poor quality schools, parks, and public services—represents a
concern for the city, but also a threat to the university. As many university
administrators will tell you, it does not matter how idyllic the campus or how
impressive the university’s reputation, parents are less willing to allow their
kids to matriculate if they perceive the neighborhood to be unsafe.
the 1950s and 1960s, universities, in partnership with their cities, made use
of Urban Renewal programs to solve neighborhood decline. These strategies took
a sledgehammer approach, using “slum clearance” and demolition to erase blight
from their neighborhoods. In its place, universities often used the land for
campus expansion, building research buildings, dormitories, and parking facilities.
This approach, however, was short-lived and provoked a hostile relationship
between the institution and a wary community.
the 1990s, universities have used a more subtle approach to neighborhood
revitalization, strategically investing in projects and programs with the intent
to improve, not demolish, the neighborhood. Once viewed as threats,
universities leaders now recognize an opportunity to help shape neighborhoods
into assets. They achieve this by directing university resources—money, skills,
knowledge, and time—into a range of neighborhood improvement strategies, such
as off-campus commercial and mixed-use developments, housing improvement and
homeownership programs, neighborhood safety and policing efforts, and, in some instances, high quality neighborhood
we turn back to Penn, its neighborhood (University City), and its investments the
West Philadelphia Initiatives (WPI). Visual evidence suggests that University
City has improved significantly since the WPI began in the late 1990s and early
2000s—there are new vibrant commercial areas, home values have increased, crime
is down, and a successful K-8 university-city partnership school sits at the
center of the community. Yet, while some cry “Penntrification!” and others hold
up Penn’s effort as a best practice model for university-led revitalization, there
has not been a systematic analysis of change in the neighborhood.
study moves beyond the anecdotal, using descriptive statistics from the US
Census and American Community Survey (ACS) to describe University City’s
transformation between 1990 (pre-WPI investments) and 2010 (roughly ten years
after the full WPI program took effect). Over twenty years, I look at changes
in demographics (total population and racial composition), socioeconomic
conditions (poverty and median household incomes), and housing (dwelling units,
vacancy rates, owners versus renters, and median home values). Spatially, I
measure change in University City in two ways. First, I compare University
City’s trajectory to the larger West Philadelphia neighborhood (of which it is
a part) and the city of West Philadelphia. Second, I subdivide University City
into two areas to assess how the portion of the neighborhood within the PAS
catchment area changed relative to the part of University City that was outside
of the catchment area.
study results show that University City did improve in the years following
Penn’s investments. However, those changes were not uniform. As a whole,
University City’s population changed significantly with an increase in the
White and Asian populations and a decrease in the Black population during the
WPI years (2000 to 2010). While University City’s socioeconomic indicators
(poverty rate and median household income) were moderately better than the
larger West Philadelphia neighborhood, they were still below the city of
Philadelphia’s and only showed modest improvement during the WPI. Housing
indicators (dwelling units, vacancy rate, and median home value), on the other
hand, tightened significantly in University City in relation to the larger
neighborhood and city.
more dramatic neighborhood change occurred within University City, as the PAS
catchment showed significant improvement across all indicators. The portion of
the neighborhood served by a strong university-city partnership school became
wealthier (real incomes increased roughly $10,000 between 2000 and 2010; the
poverty rate fell five percentage points), more homogeneous (the White
population increased by 44% between 2000 and 2010; the Black population
decreased by 49%) and more attractive (median housing prices increased by
$180,000 in ten years and vacancy rates dropped to 7.5%). Meanwhile, the rest
of University City became more expensive during the WPI years (housing prices
increased $193,000 and vacancy rates dropped 19 percentage points) and less
diverse (the Black population decreased by a third; the White and Asian
populations increased modestly). At the same time, the socioeconomic indicators
continued to show an economically depressed area with poverty rates ten
percentage points above the PAS area (and the city-wide rate) and stagnating
incomes far below the PAS blocks.
findings suggest that Penn did move the needle in University City. Its efforts added
up to an attraction strategy, stabilizing the market and providing higher
quality amenities to attract newcomers to the neighborhood. Yet, the
implications of the WPI are not quite so clear. Penn’s investments were
transformative in the area benefitting from the full force of the WPI—the
presence of a high-quality school in the neighborhood in tandem with public
safety, economic development, and housing investments appear to be a winning
strategy. Yet, the rest of the neighborhood did not see the same socioeconomic
improvement. Further, the structural shift in population throughout University
City suggests that gentrification is an issue and displacement may be a real
concern, fueled by a dramatically more expensive real estate market. Yes, the
neighborhood revitalized; perhaps we should now be asking “revitalization for
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